Saturday, September 7, 2013

SIEMENS micon - because the future belongs to Soundability

SIEMENS Micon has generated much interest in the hearing industry with their leading edge technology offering up to 48 channels of signal processing making it the highest and fastest so far.

Come and have a listen to a SIEMENS Micon for yourself at Jensen Hearing, Melaka.

Getting ready for school

Getting ready for school? Children's Hospital Los Angeles Experts suggest the following 10 items to look into before starting school. And at No. 7 is Full Diagnostic Hearing Test.

Why is hearing test important for school? Children need to hear clearly to learn at their best but younger are unable to tell if their hearing is ok or not. As such a full diagnostic hearing test would ensure the hearing status of a school going child. That they are hearing the teacher well. Also this would remove the guess work as to how well the child is hearing. It also helps the teachers to gauge if the child is not paying attention due to inability to hear well or if the child is merely bored.

Some children have been mis-labled as dreamy just because instructions have to be repeated to them a few times, when in actual fact, they have a mild hearing loss which causes them not to be as attentive as normal hearing children. 

Jensen Hearing fully supports the recommendation and is able to provide diagnostic hearing test for school going children. Call us for an appointment if your child is getting ready for school. 

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Experts Offer 10 Back to School Tips for 2013-14 School Year

1. Is Your Child Snoring at Night?
2. Back to School Jitters
3. Avoid Processed High-Salt Foods and Drinks in Packed Lunches
4. Busy and Distracted Children can Encounter Health Issues
5. Bullying in the Classroom
6. Annual Eye Screenings
7. Full Diagnostic Hearing Test
8. Asthma and Allergy Action Plans for Teachers and School Nurses
9. Playground Safety
10. Update Your Child’s Vaccinations

Source : Business Wire